Grand Vector - Web Design Studio HTML5 webhelysablon
og体育首页ONE - Korlátlan Letöltések $12.40/hó
Változási napló
Grand Vector Version 1.4 (January 28, 2021) Additions - UPD: Bootstrap to 4.5.3; - UPD: Popper to 1.16.1; - UPD: Swiper to 5.3.1; - FIX: Minor bug fixes.
Grand Vector Version 1.3 (October 21, 2020) Additions - FIX: Minor bug fixes.
Grand Vector Version 1.2 (November 06, 2018) Additions - ADD: Preloader plugin - UPD: Bootstrap v4.0.0-beta to Bootstrap v4.1.3 - UPD: Isotope plugin - UPD: Google Map plugin - UPD: RD Mailform plugin - UPD: Copyright Year - UPD: Structure JS files - FIX: Minor fixes
Grand Vector Version 1.1 (August 09, 2018) Additions - UPD: RD Navbar; - UPD: RD Search; - UPD: Swiper; - UPD: Isotope; - UPD: Progress bar; - UPD: Owl carousel; - UPD: Bootstrap 3 to Bootstrap 4; - RPL: Photoswipe gallry to Lightgallery; - RPL: RD google map to google map; - RPL: Responsive tabs/accordions to bootatrap tabs/accordions; - FIX: Minor fixes;
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